Bob Robertson
Alberta, Canada
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Attached are three photos of my Challenger II -standard wing.
Its a 1999 model with lots of options (as listed below) We are a Challenger dealer in
Alberta, Canada and use the aircraft for demo flights and lots of fun flying in the blue
Alberta sky.
The plane weighs in at 435lb. It is finished with "wet
look" urethane paint (Endura) in Sun Gold Yellow. The trim is vinyl graphics.
We added a little door on the right side. (I'm a "shorty") to make
entrance and exit a lot easier. Total time for construction was a little over
300 man hours spread over 6 months. As I am co-owner of a Rotax Service Center
it just had to be powered by the venerable 503 d/c.
Performance: Cruise 80 mph at 5800rpm. Max rate of climb solo 1000fpm @ 45
mph, 600fpm at gross. Stall @ 28mph indicated
Options as follows:
-Custom fabric upholstery
-Aluminum fold down instrument panel (one screw holds it in place) we can service
behind the panel in less than a minute.
-Aero Controls dual quadrants and throttle cables.
-Fuel Flow monitor-gives instant fuel flow and doubles as a digital fuel gauge.
-Fold down entrance door
-Electric fuel pump (mounted in parallel)
-Cabin heater - a must in this part of the world
-Azusa wheels and larger tires/brakes - hold to 5500 rpm static
-Re-inforced gear legs (steel inserts inside alum. gear legs)
-Dry-cell battery: (not gel-cell) will crank engine over at minus 20 with ease. Complete
recharge in less than 10 minutes. (We are testing this for aircraft use and if it works
out over the winter we will market it to the u/l community - its about twice the cost of a
lead acid battery , but it should be more reliable and last at least three times longer
than lead acid or gel cells) It can be mounted in
any position except upside down.
-All aluminum skis with nylon bases
-Kuntzelman strobes
-Icom A22 radio w/Comtronic head sets and intercom
Personal information:
Bob Robertson
Challenger Dealer
Rotax Service Center- co-owner (Light Engine Services Ltd.)
Aero Controls Ltd. - owner (throttle cables and quadrants)
Titan Tornado dealer
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