2nd Annual
Challenger List Founders

Memorial Day Weekend 
May 25~27 '02
Norfolk, NE

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Jim, J.D., Brad & Chan

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Ray was the first one to "Drop" (and I do mean Drop) in for the fly-in.  Seems Ray was done landing, but his plane still had 4 feet to go!  A quick trip to the hardware store got some new cross-cables.  Why drag a jack all the way out to the plane when you can just lift it?  I'd like to see THAT done in a spam can!  

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The Steakhouse Run included Ray's, Curt's J.D.'s and Chan's planes.  The return trip was fantastic, flying along the Elkhorn river the whole way back.  0 wind and 0 thermals, campers waving, and a full moon rising ahead of us provided continuous ear-to-ear grins. 
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For once, I wasn't the photographer, and got to be in some pics.  Thanks Curt.

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As we pulled into Norfolk, we saw this huge fire.

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Sunday was cursed with winds 16 gusting to 32, so we spent the day doing some maintenance and hangar flying.  The barbeque Sunday night had lots of food for everyone.  Here Chan and Ray take it easy afterwards.

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Chan's plane all bedded down for the night while a full moon rises.

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